Browsing Category: Business

One year later: 15 ways life has changed since the onset of the COVID pandemic -

One year later: 15 ways life has changed since the onset of the COVID pandemic

This week marks the first anniversary of Fortune’s decision to ask all U.S.- and Europe-based staffers to work from home. Looking back on the email announcement is like looking at a time capsule. There was a strong focus on cleaning and sanitization, which we now know isn’t a good use of time and resources in fighting the battle […]

9 Bad Bosses, and How to Work for Them -

9 bad bosses, and how to work for them

Some bosses are just … terrible. Bad bosses are poor delegators and annoying micromanagers, or they’re self-indulgently obsessed with the office gossip. Others are slackers — or so busy they’re only available on Slack, where they constantly ignore your messages. And here’s something everyone should think about: the boss who asks, “Do you have children?” […]